JOURNAL OF A DISNEY HISTORIAN~New Tomorrowland, Steamboat Willie, Walt & Polo & Walt Photobombed
JOURNAL OF A DISNEY HISTORIAN BY PAUL F ANDERSON ANOTHER DHI FIRST ~ WALT DISNEY PHOTO BOMBED!!! The Disney History Institute is well known for insightful and rare Walt Disney history! Here we are once again (tongue planted firmly in cheek). While rummaging through...

The Yippie Invasion of Disneyland
The Yippie Invasion of Disneyland by Todd James Pierce The other multi-part podcast I produced over the summer was focused on the Yippie Invasion at Disneyland. The Yippies--generally politically-oriented hippies organized by Abbie Hoffman--staged a large...

Podcast: The History of It’s a Small World
The History of It's a Small World Over the summer--when my workload is lighter--I've worked to put up two more lengthy series on the DHI Podcast. The first of these series focuses on Walt Disney's efforts to populate the New York World's Fair with Disneyland-style...

Project: Fairwinds goes live!
After several months of development, the Disney History Institute is proud to announce the first of our downloadable digital recreations - Project: Fair Winds. Project: Fair Winds recreates a long-gone, centerpiece icon from Walt Disney's efforts at the...

Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank – Part 4
The Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank Part Four: Then Come The Real Problems! by Todd James Pierce The real problems for Disney emerged in the final months of 1987. Though the Disney-MGM Studio Backlot had originally been budgeted at $150 million to $300 million,...

Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank – Part 3
The Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank Part Three: Behold, The Studio Backlot! by Todd James Pierce Despite the two MCA lawsuits, Disney continued to develop plans for the Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank. For the Texposition mall in Dallas, Disney had used the...

Old Movies Move Up To Blu-Ray
Early Disney Films on Blu-Ray Just a quick note: Though the Walt Disney Company has released most of its early animated films on blu-ray, the company hasn't put many of their early live action features into this format. Some of these films can be downloaded in HD...

DHI Podcast: The Jack Lindquist Story
>>The Jack Lindquist Story: Disneyland in the 1950s<< by Todd James Pierce This past week, Disney Legend Jack Lindquist passed away at the age of 88. On the podcast, the story of how Jack Lindquist, as Disneyland's first advertising manager in 1955,...

Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank – Part 2
The Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank Part Two: Studio Execs Behaving Badly by Todd James Pierce In the early months of 1987, Burbank city officials worked toward an agreement with Disney to build a theme-park-slash-shopping-center in their downtown district, an...

Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank – Part 1
The Disney-MGM Studio Backlot in Burbank PART ONE by Todd James Pierce PROLOGUE Years before Disneyland, Walt briefly explored the idea of using trains to offer guests a brief tour of his animation studio in Burbank. Though the idea had likely been percolating...
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