Disney History, Walt Disney, Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Animation, live Action, 

Virtual Recreation Privacy Policy

With Disney History Insititute publishing the virtual recreations made by Cranky Something Studios, we decided that we needed to publish a Privacy Policy so that the users can know what happens when they load and run our programs. So, here we go: Virtual Recreation...

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Project: Fairwinds Version 2.0 has been released

Project: Fairwinds Version 2.0 has been released

So, take a stroll back to 1964, to the center point of world creative activity, the legendary New York World’s Fair.  Move around the Tower in real time.  Examine the spinning pinwheels and carousel cutouts, all of them true to Rolly Crump’s original designs.

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January 2020 Movie of the Month- Part 2

When promoting a movie, studios such as Disney would normally give newspapers and theaters prewritten articles to help get things going. Today we are looking at one titled, “Wall Disney's "Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier"— Perfect Blend of Historical Fact...

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