>>The Jack Lindquist Story: Disneyland in the 1950s<<
by Todd James Pierce
This past week, Disney Legend Jack Lindquist passed away at the age of 88. On the podcast, the story of how Jack Lindquist, as Disneyland’s first advertising manager in 1955, transformed the amusements industry forever.  [Episode 018]
Link to the DHI Podcast in iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/j34rl38

Three Years DHI CoverThis article is part of the DHI reboot: From January through April, I’ll be posting up new articles and releasing new podcasts each week.  I’m between projects, and with THREE YEARS IN WONDERLAND coming out in March, I finally have more time to devote to the blog.  Most regular visitors here already know that THREE YEARS IN WONDERLAND is a detailed narrative history of the development of Disneyland (from 1953-1956), a moment by moment account of its creation and opening: the struggles, the challenges, the in-fighting and the success.

I should also point out that this DHI multi-part article is a substantial expansion to the original Disney/Universal article on the Studio Backlot that I wrote for Jim Hill Media in 2008.  In the past eight years, I’ve discovered many more elements that contribute to this fascinating story.  The original article, clocking in at twenty pages, is now over forty.

Lastly, even when things are slow on the blog, the DHI Facebook Group is always jumping. –TJP

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