The DHI staff was sitting around the board room table today, as we do each month, and one of the archivists (young whipper snapper!) said that our blog needed more color. Our illustrious founder agreed, and fortunately we have the DHI DCBAPP (Disney Comic Book Advertising Preservation Program) underway (imagine). So here from
Walt Disney Comics and Stories #187 (April 1956) is the full-page back cover advertisement. If the
Disneyland television show was not enough to make us baby boomers promise anything to our parents to “take us to Disneyland” … then this graphically pleasing, and colorful, admonition from Brer Rabbit himself would have certainly pushed us over upon receiving our monthly subscription copy of the comic. (Click on the image for a crisper and larger Brer Rabbit!)
On the internet archive, there is a home movie from 1956 made by one of the families that won this contest:
Well worth a look!