DHI Podcast Goes Live

We here, at DHI, are blazing off into the future.  And by future, of course, we mean 2003, the year the housing bubble still looked like a good thing, the year your iPod fit in one pocket and your cell phone fit in another.  Our podcast presently is a blog-on-tape.  If you have a commute or an addiction to the StairMaster, we’ll read our longer, research-based articles to you.  You’ll need to roll with our reading voices.  Neither Paul nor I are professional voice actors–though Paul once auditioned for the role of Snap in a Rice Krispies commercial.  Basically, we’re testing this out.  We’re also learning the ins-and-outs of iTunes.  As with our blog, we post when we have something to post.  We have no posting or podcast schedule.  Only a few articles will be converted to an audio format.  If this whole podcast thing pans out, we’ll probably find some way to include excerpts from audio interviews, as Paul and I together have hundreds of recorded interviews with animators and Imagineers.  So hit the subscribe button.  (Or search iTunes for Disney History Institute Podcast.)  Relive the glory of 2003.  Then take us in the car or off to the gym.


PS Just so you know, the part about Paul auditioning for the role of Snap was a joke.

PPS He really wanted to be Crackle.

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